Friday, June 8, 2012

The Original Eighth

There’s something about the eighth chapter for me. I just finished writing the eighth chapter in my current story. And, as often happens, I’ve hit a crossroads. In the past, when I was first learning to write, the eighth chapter was painful. Still, in the first story I tried to complete, I’m stuck there, forever glued to the road. Those old characters, in their nineties clothes, frozen with animated faces. I didn’t have the courage to push through it then. I thought this was it. That’s all I can do. And I let years go by before I tried again. My third novel was called ‘Vanish’ and I hit chapter eight and froze like a block. I went on long walks and pondered. It would hurt too much if I quit. Days went by, and then weeks. And finally, one day the light came on. An idea, so brilliant, so perfect for my story, had me rushing home to go on. Now, when I hit the Eighth chapter and freeze, I don’t fear it so much. I know by the time I’ve reached this far, the story is established. I can trust myself to find the answer like the quest my character is on. There’s eight chapters of original inspiration in me. But that makes moving on to chapter nine exciting. I hope I come up with something grand!

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